Kill weeds on driveway for good with 65p method without harmful chemicals

Kill weeds on driveway for good with 65p method without harmful chemicals

As homeowners gear up for spring maintenance, one unconventional method for tackling pesky weeds in driveways is gaining attention, salt. 

While commonly known for its culinary and de-icing uses, salt’s weed-killing properties are proving to be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution for keeping driveways weed-free.

Salt, particularly common table salt or rock salt, is a natural desiccant that effectively dehydrates and kills weeds upon contact. 

When applied to the base of weeds or sprinkled along cracks in driveways, salt works by drawing moisture out of plant cells, ultimately causing them to wither and die.

Additionally, salt breaks down over time and does not leave harmful residues in the soil or waterways.

While salt can be an effective weed killer, it’s essential to exercise caution when using it in driveways or other paved areas. 

Salt can be corrosive to certain materials, such as concrete and metal, so it’s crucial to avoid excessive application or prolonged contact with sensitive surfaces.

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