Prison rampage as boozed-up inmates torch cells with riot squads on stand-by | UK | News

Prison rampage as boozed-up inmates torch cells with riot squads on stand-by | UK | News

A major incident was declared at HMP Bristol last night after several prisoners, believed to have drunk homemade alcohol, went on a destructive rampage, causing significant damage to one of the prison wings.

The chaos started just after 8.10pm, following a day during which inmates drank illicitly produced “hooch”.

Authorities were alerted when fires rapidly engulfed the affected wing.

The Avon Fire and Rescue Service was dispatched to the scene to tackle the blaze and prevent the further spread of the fire along with HART units from South Western Ambulance Service.

Preliminary reports suggested that the unrest started after a group of inebriated prisoners became uncontrollable, leading to widespread vandalism and arson.

As the situation develops, there is a growing call for an official statement from the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice, who have yet to comment on the incident.

The events underscored the challenges faced by correctional facilities in managing and safeguarding inmates, highlighting the need for stringent security protocols and effective measures to prevent the introduction and production of illicit substances within prison walls.

Authorities are currently conducting a thorough investigation into the origins of the disturbance, with a focus on how the prisoners were able to manufacture alcohol and the sequence of events leading up to the incident.

The primary objective remains the restoration of order and the safety of both staff and inmates at HMP Bristol, which was earmarked for improvement by Prisons Minister Damian Hinds last year.

In an bid to quell the uprising, prison staff retreated to the control room, with inmates making aggressive attempts to breach its defences.

The extent of injuries among prisoners and staff remains uncertain, with the situation continuing to unfold.

In response to the escalating violence, the Ministry of Justice has placed Tornado teams, specialists in prison riot control, on standby, ready to intervene and restore order to the beleaguered facility.

The incident has raised serious concerns about security measures and the availability of contraband within the prison system.

Mr Hinds announced a package of measures after an inspection revealed the need for “immediate action”.

He commented: “Additional experienced staff will be brought in to help reduce violence and improve safety, we’re carrying out urgent refurbishments and are increasing the number of healthcare staff to help the most vulnerable prisoners.

“I am confident these actions will create the right conditions at HMP Bristol so officers can concentrate on rehabilitating prisoners to cut crime and better protect the public.”

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