Four ways to ‘significantly’ reduce costs when doing laundry – avoid ‘40C’ washes

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Four ways to ‘significantly’ reduce costs when doing laundry – avoid ‘40C’ washes

According to the experts at Ecover, there are many ways to cut the costs including switching to a cold wash and saying goodbye to the tumble dryer for good.

The experts said not using the tumble dryer can potentially save a whopping £180 a year alone.

1. 20C is plenty

The sustainable cleaning experts explained: “When it comes to energy bills, a big drain on funds can be your washing cycle.

“Particularly during term time, it can seem like the washing machine is running day and night, which can seriously rack up the costs.

“Opting for a cold wash can be a surefire way to significantly decrease these costs. Switching from a 40C to a 20C cycle can bring a whopping saving of 62 percent.”

What’s more, a cold wash is also better for the environment, helping to avoid the shrinking of clothes too.

Most laundry detergents work at 20C these days but it is always best to check the label before using them.

2. Patience is key

It can be tempting to chuck on a washing cycle as soon as one item of dirty clothing hits the laundry basket.

However, to keep costs low, try to wait until the drum can be filled properly to reduce the amount of cycles needed.

The experts noted: “The less frequently you wash, the less frequently you add to your energy bills, so try and hold out for as long as possible.

“If desperate, club together with housemates to do joint washes.”

3. Get soaking

If some items of laundry have tough stains, think twice before scheduling an extra long hot wash cycle for them.

The cleaning experts said: “As energy costs are based on kW per hour, cutting down your cycle length by half also cuts the cost per cycle in half.

“Instead, try giving them a soak beforehand, grab a chlorine-free bleach, and add two tablespoons to a basin filled with warm water.

“Leave these to soak, then pop in the washing machine and wash as normal for gleaming garments, without having to shell out on an extra long or heated wash.”

4. Say goodbye to the dryer

By popping clothes on a drying rack as opposed to using a dryer, Britons can significantly reduce energy usage, which helps to keep bills low.

“In the UK, the average vented tumble dryer uses 5.34 kWh for a full cycle, costing almost £180 per year to run.

“So, use a clothing line outside, or an airer on rainy days, to make significant winter savings.”

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