Monty Don shares how to deter slugs and snails without using ‘toxic chemicals’

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Monty Don shares how to deter slugs and snails without using ‘toxic chemicals’

Gardening expert and TV presenter Monty Don has shared his garden tips for April in a post on his blog.

The horticulturalist, who is the lead presenter on Gardener’s World, has shared his tips for mowing lawns, caring for houseplants and making tulips last longer.

The 68-year-old has also shared his advice for deterring gardeners’ « public enemy number one » – slugs and snails.

It may be tempting to kill off slugs and snails, but the gardening pro said they are « superb at recycling waste vegetative matter ».

However, while they will happily munch on fallen leaves, they will also feed on young seedlings which can cause havoc for your gardening plans.

Monty continued: « Slugs live largely underground in the soil and like damp conditions.

« Snails live above ground and love dark nooks and crannies such as old brickwork or a nice dry yew hedge, as well as clustering around the base of containers.

Although there are over 30 species of slug in the UK, there are four main garden ones and the biggest do not necessarily do the most damage.

« What you see is actually a tiny percentage of the population and slug activity and densities of over 250,000 per acre are common. »

Monty said gardeners should avoid using slug pellets and any chemicals as they can harm other wildlife.

Instead, he suggested having a slug-free cold frame or table where young plants can be raised and gardeners can routinely check for slugs and snails.

He also suggested not feeding plants more than is necessary and to avoid putting feed on the soil. Doing this will ensure the plant doesn’t grow soft or sappy – two plant characteristics that slugs love.

In conclusion, Monty said gardeners should ensure plants are grown as « hard » as possible without stressing them out.

He added: « Finally, encourage a wide range of predators. I have masses of thrushes, frogs, toads, beetles, centipedes, shrews, and a few hedgehogs – all of which love eating slugs and snails.

« This needs plenty of cover, an avoidance of toxic chemicals – such as slug pellets – and a degree of tolerance for collateral damage. »

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