Woman says people living alone shouldn’t turn lights on when home | US | News

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Woman says people living alone shouldn’t turn lights on when home | US | News

A woman has issued a warning to anyone who lives alone after an incident involving a lingering man.

Singer Mary Alice has now told women not to switch their lights on as soon as they get through the frontdoor, reports the Mirror. Mary told TikTok that the recent incident made her see the benefit in women not “immediately” turning their lights on when they walk into their home.

She said: “Especially if people can see the windows of your apartment from the street,” she says in the video, adding that if “someone’s following you home, they’re going to know what apartment you’re in.

The singer told followers that when she arrived home, she noticed a man she’d never seen before getting stuff out of his car. She said the man gave her « bad vibes, » and described how he attempted to « make conversation with her” as she exited her car. 

Cet article est apparu en premier sur https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1834682/woman-urges-lights-off


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