Drivers can ‘stop condensation’ and de-mist their windscreen with 60p household item 

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Drivers can ‘stop condensation’ and de-mist their windscreen with 60p household item 

Drivers can prevent their car windscreen from steaming up by using a common household item which can be purchased for just 60p, according to experts.

Specialists at Leasing Options have claimed washing-up liquid could “stop condensation” forming on windows in a helpful tip this autumn and winter.

To take advantage of the hack, drivers simply need to rub the washing-up liquid into their windows to create a barrier between the elements and the glass.

However, this means motorists must rub the solution into their windows ahead of a dip in temperatures to get the best effect.

Leasing Options explained: “A hack often used to prevent bathroom mirrors from steaming also works in the car, too.

“The classic tip involves rubbing washing-up liquid with a dry cloth onto windows and buffing them until dry.

“This stops condensation from forming when warm air settles on the cool surface of the window.

“While the science behind this nifty trick could be simply getting rid of dirt on windows that moisture clings to, it’s a classic trick that’s been used by motorists for years.

“You can buy some cheap washing-up liquid for 60p from the supermarkets, but chances are you’ll have some in the house already to give this a try.”

Sainsbury’s is selling a bottle of their ‘original’ washing-up liquid for just 60p with Waitrose charging 70p.

Fairy washing-up liquid is around £2 at the store but only a tiny amount is needed meaning road users do not need to purchase a fresh bottle.

The simple tip will work on any window meaning the hack could be used inside your house as well as a vehicle.

TV star Lynsey Crombie shared the winter cleaning hack with her TikTok followers last year.

The Queen of Clean said: “You’ll never believe it, but this old-school tip is amazing to stop window condensation!

“My mum told me about this last week I shared in my stories. The following day they literally blow up with loads of you having amazing results.

“To prevent condensation on your windows this time of year just simply rub a tiny drop of neat washing-up liquid using a dry cloth all over the effected windows and this will stop the condensation leaving you with dry windows in the morning.” (sic)

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