Four lawn care mistakes to stop in spring to avoid moss and weeds overtaking your grass

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Four lawn care mistakes to stop in spring to avoid moss and weeds overtaking your grass

This Morning: ‘UK’s best lawn-fluencer’ shares his best mowing tips

Lawn care can seem easy enough in the spring when gardeners are simply mowing and watering, but there are a few common mistakes that are often overlooked. 

Ken, a landscaper and founder of DIY Lawn Expert has shared that he once had the worst lawn imaginable, but through trial and error, he soon mastered how to have the perfect grass. 

He said: « Two years ago I had the worst lawn on the street, now I have one of the best. DIY Lawn Expert is a website where I share things about lawn care as I learn them, condensing my research and experimentation.

« My goal is to help other homeowners establish and maintain a great lawn, in an efficient and affordable way. »

It is important to pay extra attention to their lawns at this time of year as spring is when weeds and moss begin to make an appearance but is also a time when pests and diseases are more active. 

READ MORE: Remove dandelions from lawns so they won’t grow back with 3 effective methods

Picture of patchy dry lawn

It is easy to make some simple mistake on your lawn in spring, which can result in it becoming dry, patchy or even disease-ridden (Image: Getty)

To make sure you have a lush lawn that keeps healthy throughout the hot summer months, here is the proper way to take care of your grass. 

Common lawn care mistakes in spring  


It may seem obvious that lawns need to be watered, but doing so now can be wasteful and waste water needlessly, increasing your water bill for no reason.

April tends to be a very rainy season in the UK and you can risk drowning and clogging your emerging lawn, which can make it very vulnerable to disease. 

Ken explained: “It’s tempting to start watering in early spring if it hasn’t rained in a few days, but there is usually plenty of moisture in the ground at this time of year to keep your lawn healthy. 

“Wait to water until the weather gets warm and dry. It’s even ok to let the grass show signs of drought stress. This will cause the roots to grow deeper and better prepare your lawn for the heat of summer.” 

As a general rule, you are best watering a lawn once a week once the weather begins getting warmer. 

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Lawn being watered

Lawns should be left alone or watered only once a week in spring to avoid overwatering (Image: Getty)

Not taking care of tools

Checking up on your lawnmower to make sure it is still working to the best of its ability is best done now in spring before weeds and grass begin properly growing and need to be maintained regularly. 

Kevin said: “Early spring is a good time to give your lawnmower and other lawn equipment a tune-up. Take a few minutes to check over your equipment to make sure you’re set for the year.

If mower blades are too blunt, they can be inefficient meaning it is more difficult to mow the grass, which can make your lawn more prone to weeds and disease. 

Kevin gave a quick checklist of everything a gardener should look out for. He said: “Get your lower out of storage, give it a tuneup or oil change if needed. 

“Check your blade sharpness. A quick squirt of oil on all moving parts like wheels and handles will keep them moving freely and squeak-free.” 

Picture of lawn mower

Checking on your lawn mower now will save you stress later on in the year (Image: Getty)

Not applying a herbicide to deal with weeds

Now in spring is the best time to try and prevent weeds so you do not have to spend hours the rest of the year having to dig them up. 

Weeds germinate at this time of year, and using a herbicide as soon as possible can limit the damage weeds can do to your lawn. 

Kevin said: “It is best to apply it before seeds germinate for the first time to get the best control. This will be when soil temperatures reach 50° F (10° C) or when the forsythia bushes are blooming in the spring.” 

“Many gardeners plan to apply it around April 1st. Don’t worry if you are late – crabgrass and other weed seeds are germinating all season long so you’ll still get some control. Better late than never.”

Picture of someone walking on a lawn covered in weeds

Preventing weeds now will stop then being a major problem the rest of the year (Image: Getty)

Heavily fertilising the lawn too soon

It is important to fertilise the lawn in spring to help relish it after winter, but many gardeners make the mistake of overfertilizing the grass which can be incredibly damaging. 

Kevin said: “Most experts recommend a lighter feeding in the spring and a heavier one in the late [autumn] when cool-season grasses are at their peak growing season. 

“Too much fertilizer in the spring will cause a flush of growth at the expense of root development and can lead to disease and weed problems.”

Wait to fertilise the lawn once the ground is not frozen and the soil temperature is at least 18C.  The grass should be actively growing and you should easily be able to stick a rake into the ground without resistance. 

It is recommended to use a balanced slow-release fertiliser at this time of year, and Kevin recommends a 24-25-4 fertiliser such as the Scotts Turf Builder Starter. 

Kevin added: “It’s recommended to fertilize warm-season grasses in late spring or as soon as the lawn greens up and begins actively growing. This is usually in April or May, after the last frost. At least 75 percent of the lawn should be green.”

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