The pretty little UK seaside town so friendly nobody ever wants to leave | UK | News

The pretty little UK seaside town so friendly nobody ever wants to leave | UK | News

The Welsh seaside town where people love to stay is called Aberystwyth.

It’s tucked between hills and beaches, right in the middle of the Ceredigion coast. But Aberystwyth isn’t just a spot where north meets south; it’s a famous place on its own.

Locals call it ‘Aber’, and there’s loads to see – such as a castle, a huge walkway by the sea, the National Library of Wales, an Arts Centre and over 50 pubs.

People say Aberystwyth is the « culture capital » of Wales, and lots of tourists come to visit, just like they go to Cardiff and other popular spots. The town has cool shops that are different from each other, yummy food places, and old buildings from a long time ago, reports Wales Online.

But for the 14,468 people who live in Aberystwyth, it’s more than just a holiday spot. Some were born here, while some came to learn at university.

Huw Bates, 46, has fond memories of his childhood in Wales. His parents moved back from the West Midlands when he was just 10 months old.

He said: « I could never really relate to people who used to complain that there was ‘nothing to do’ or that they were so bored living here.

« I’ve been very lucky to have some really close groups of friends over the years. There are countless memories of birthday parties, trips to the cinema, bashing the 10p falls in the Pier amusements and eventually, familiarising myself with the town’s many watering holes. »

Huw now lives just outside of Aberystwyth with his wife Nia and their two children, Seren and Charlie. He’s a solicitor, an editor for local magazine Ego Aberystwyth, an entertainment agent, and also conducts weddings and funerals.

He feels « lucky » to call this unique place home. « A few years ago I brought some uni friends here, who were from places like Liverpool, London, Cardiff and Tamworth, » he said.

« They’ve always teased me about coming from the middle of nowhere, and I expected them to be bored or find lots to complain about. But it was the opposite, and it was fascinating to hear people my age describe it as beautiful, with great pubs, good food, amazing scenery and a warm welcome wherever they went. »

He added: « Aber isn’t perfect, but it’s safe, picturesque, welcoming, diverse, historic and is home to some monumentally inspiring people, businesses and organisations. I’m proud to call it my home, and cannot think of a better environment in which to bring up my kids than this little, Welsh corner of paradise. »

If you visit Marine Terrace, you’ll stumble across Baravin, a joint run by co-owner Gareth Evans. The venue provides amazing views of Cardigan Bay, Constitution Hill, and the Royal Pier, enticing many visitors and locals annually.

Gareth describes the beauty of his location saying: « In the summer, the sun sets right over the bay and it looks amazing.

« It’s a fantastic location. Even in the winter, when it’s cold and dry, and you have the heating on, you can look out and see that wild sea right near your doorstep. It’s spectacular. »

Baravin is a big name in Welsh food. Gareth believes their success comes from always being close to the people around them.

He said: « When we started, we thought we could do pizza and wine, and that’s all we wanted to do.

« But it became apparent early on that we needed to add more, to offer more options in order to attract more people. »

He added: « I think due to our location and our reputation as somewhere that is bilingual – our menus are bilingual and most of our staff speak Welsh, has been key to our success. It has been a big part of what we wanted to be and subsequently that has been a very well-received attitude. »

« We are very fortunate in the fact that we can keep members of staff for a long time and that rarely happens in this industry. »

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