Gardening expert reveals ‘best’ privacy hedging to keep nosy neighbours at bay

Gardening expert reveals ‘best’ privacy hedging to keep nosy neighbours at bay

Fed up with nosy neighbours peeking into your garden? A gardening expert has shared a simple trick to keep prying eyes away. Over half of Brits think their neighbours are too curious, and 60 percent admit they watch what their neighbours are up to.

Morris Hankinson, director of Hopes Grove Nurseries, said: « Privacy hedging is a fantastic feature that can stylishly but effectively filter strong winds, noise, pollution, and nosy neighbours. » But with over 100 types of hedge plants, it’s hard to know which one to choose.

The gardening whizz recommends the Common or Cherry Laurel as the « best » for privacy because it’s evergreen and grows quickly. He added: « The large shiny leaves give great coverage and look immaculate all year round. »

« This is a plant that suffers from few pests and diseases and is easy to grow in a wide range of soil types. Laurel hedge plants come in a variety of sizes and root types making them a good option regardless of your budget, another reason for them making it onto many people’s shortlist. »

Morris, a gardening expert, suggests that pleached trees can provide effective screening if your garden is overlooked by neighbours’ upstairs windows.

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