Norfolk solicitor in 30-year war with ramblers over footpath | UK | News

Norfolk solicitor in 30-year war with ramblers over footpath | UK | News

A solicitor has put up a barricade to keep ramblers away from her home in a footpath row that’s been going on for 30 years.

Sine Garvie-Mcinally put up the fence, made with wooden stakes and covered in grease to stop people climbing over it, outside her cottage near Castle Acre, Norfolk.

The 150m stretch of footpath is used by walkers on the Nar Valley Way, a 33-mile trail. And ramblers are furious at the restriction.

A public inquiry was held last week where the solicitor, who claims the path infringes on her privacy, claimed to have been verbally abused by walkers.

Ramblers are fighting back, hoping to get the barricade removed. They say the area is registered as a public right of way, being in use since 1774.

The dispute has been going on since 1993 when Mrs Garvie-Mcinally moved to the area with her family and realised it wasn’t a right of way as it was within 20 metres of her home.

A council planning inspector viewed it last week and a decision is expected in early 2024. Mrs Garvie-Mcinally has said if it does not go in her favour, she will have to sell her home.

She said: “I’m doing what I can to protect my home – this order would break my statutory right to privacy.

“People can see straight into my windows from the path. Men walking on the path have urinated outside my garden.

“I have suffered harassment and had rude comments and gestures made at me.

“If the decision goes the other way I will have to sell this house as I would not be able to live in quiet enjoyment.”

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